Ciplactin Tablet
- Allergic Rhinitis
This medicine is used to relieve symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, red and itchy eyes, etc. associated with allergic rhinitis.
- Urticaria
This medicine is used for the treatment of urticaria, an allergic condition characterized by symptoms such as skin rashes, bumps or welts on the skin, etc.
- Pruritus
This medicine is used for the treatment of pruritus, severe itching of the skin, associated with various allergic conditions.
- Anorexia Nervosa
This medicine is used for the treatment of anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder characterized by low body weight and an obsessive fear of gaining weight.
- Migraine
This medicine is used to treat the symptoms of a migraine headache and to prevent the onset of a migraine attack.
- Cluster headache
This medicine is used to treat the symptoms of a cluster headache and to prevent the onset of an acute attack.
- Cushing's syndrome
This medicine is used to treat the symptoms of Cushing's syndrome, a hormonal disorder characterized by weight gain (especially upper body), round face, pink or purple stretch marks, etc.
- Allergic conjunctivitis
This medicine is used to relieve symptoms such as a runny or blocked nose, watery eyes, redness of eyes, itching of eyes, etc. associated with allergic conjunctivitis, an eye inflammation caused due to allergic reactions.
Depends upon the health condirion
Manufactured byCIPLA LTD
Side effects
Major & minor side effects for Ciplactin Tablet
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Low blood pressure
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