Solvin LS Syrup
Uses of Solvin LS Syrup
What is it prescribed for?
- Bronchospasm
Bronchospasm is contractions of bronchial smooth muscles resulting in the narrowing of the bronchi (airways to the lungs). Due to this, there may be decreased airflow into your lungs. Solvin LS Syrup is used to relieve the symptoms of bronchospasm such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, breathing difficultly, coughing, etc. in bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc.
- Productive cough
A cough is a sudden response of the body when something irritates your throat or airways. Irritants such as smoke and gas, tobacco use, foreign particles or infection can stimulate nerves that send a message to the brain. In productive cough, there is an excess mucus formation. Mucus is the thick sticky fluid that gets accumulated in your throat and causes difficultly in breathing with irritation. Solvin LS Syrup helps in expelling the mucus out when you cough up and relieves from irritation.
ContainsLevosalbutamol (1 mg/5 ml) + Ambroxol (30 mg/5 ml) + Guaifenesin (50 mg/5 ml)
Side effects
Major & minor side effects for Solvin LS Syrup
- Stomach pain
- Headache
- Sore throat and hoarseness
- Shaking and trembling of arms and feet
- Decreased appetite
- Muscle pain and cramps
- Nervousness
- Swelling of eyelids, face, lips, tongue
- Chest pain and discomfort
- Sleep disturbances
- Increased heartbeat
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Difficulty in speaking
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Skin rash and itching
- Drowsiness
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