Vitafol 5 MG Tablet
- Megaloblastic Anemia
This medicine is used for the prevention and treatment of a specific form of anemia in which the blood cells fail to mature properly (megaloblastic anemia).
- Folic acid deficiency
This medicine is used to supplement the body with folic acid in deficient conditions. Deficiency is characterized by mouth ulcer, pallor, persistent weakness, and lethargy.
- Supplementation during pregnancy
This medicine is used as a supplement of folic acid for pregnant women. Lack of folic acid during a pregnancy may result in birth defects of the child.
Depends upon the health condition
Manufactured byCipla Ltd.
Side effects
Major & minor side effects for Vitafol 5 MG Tablet
- Fever
- Weakness and general discomfort
- Itching or rash
- Difficulty in breathing
- Stomach discomfort and pain